Introducing the Academic Culture (PBAK) for Freshman Students of FADIB

PBAK was carried out from 18 to 20 August 2022 at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. It was started by practicing Duha prayer and Majelis Ayat Kursi which were coordinated both by faculty and university committee. It was followed by the opening ceremony of PBAK at the university level at the Multi-Purpose building.
On the second day, after having a dhuha prayer congregation, it was held an opening ceremony of PBAK at the faculty level. Then, it was followed by some speech from the faculty leaders, the PBAK committee, and the chief of DEMA of the Faculty of Adab and Cultural Sciences. Dr. H. Muhammad Wildan, M.A. delivered a general overview of FADIB and was followed by the head of study programs who explained each major of FADIB. The next session was introducing Islamic materials and student organizations by Vika Wafa Ilmi, S.Hum dan Amirul Mu’minin S.Hum then followed by Focus Group Discussion (FGD).
On the last day, after having a prayer congregation, the committee gave information about the cultural living of students such as Sanggar Nuun and Adab Dance Community. The students also acquire an understanding of student organizations such as SEMA, DEMA, dan HMPS and closed with the closing ceremony of PBAK 2022.